Untuk menggunakan, baru memulai Visual Basic Proyek, menambahkan formulir untuk proyek dan paste kode di bawah ini ke dalamnya. Anda akan memiliki visual untuk membuat kotak (qty4), tombol perintah, frame (qty2), label, tombol pilihan (qty4), gambar kotak (qty2) dan kotak teks.
Berikut tampilan preview dari program barcode maker yang kita akan buat.Untuk desain anda bisa membuat sesuai dengan
Option Explicit
Dim BCtype As Long
Private Sub makeBC()
Select Case BCtype
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub make39()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim chksum As Long
Dim chkchr As String
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(43) As String
'3 of the 9 elements are wide: 0=narrow, 1=wide
BC(0) = "000110100" '0
BC(1) = "100100001" '1
BC(2) = "001100001" '2
BC(3) = "101100000" '3
BC(4) = "000110001" '4
BC(5) = "100110000" '5
BC(6) = "001110000" '6
BC(7) = "000100101" '7
BC(8) = "100100100" '8
BC(9) = "001100100" '9
BC(10) = "100001001" 'A
BC(11) = "001001001" 'B
BC(12) = "101001000" 'C
BC(13) = "000011001" 'D
BC(14) = "100011000" 'E
BC(15) = "001011000" 'F
BC(16) = "000001101" 'G
BC(17) = "100001100" 'H
BC(18) = "001001100" 'I
BC(19) = "000011100" 'J
BC(20) = "100000011" 'K
BC(21) = "001000011" 'L
BC(22) = "101000010" 'M
BC(23) = "000010011" 'N
BC(24) = "100010010" 'O
BC(25) = "001010010" 'P
BC(26) = "000000111" 'Q
BC(27) = "100000110" 'R
BC(28) = "001000110" 'S
BC(29) = "000010110" 'T
BC(30) = "110000001" 'U
BC(31) = "011000001" 'V
BC(32) = "111000000" 'W
BC(33) = "010010001" 'X
BC(34) = "110010000" 'Y
BC(35) = "011010000" 'Z
BC(36) = "010000101" '-
BC(37) = "110000100" '.
BC(38) = "011000100" '
BC(39) = "010101000" '$
BC(40) = "010100010" '/
BC(41) = "010001010" '+
BC(42) = "000101010" '%
BC(43) = "010010100" '* (used for start/stop character only)
If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = UCase(Text1.Text)
'Check for invalid characters, build temp string & calculate check sum
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
Select Case Cur
Case "0" To "9"
CurVal = Val(Cur)
Case "A" To "Z"
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 55
Case "-"
CurVal = 36
Case "."
CurVal = 37
Case " "
CurVal = 38
Case "$"
CurVal = 39
Case "/"
CurVal = 40
Case "+"
CurVal = 41
Case "%"
CurVal = 42
Case Else 'oops!
Picture1.Print Cur & " is Invalid"
Exit Sub
End Select
temp = temp & BC(CurVal) & "0" '"0"= add intercharactor gap (1 narrow space)
chksum = chksum + CurVal
'Add Check Character? (rarely used, but i put it here anyway...)
If Check1(2).Value Then
chksum = chksum Mod 43
temp = temp & BC(chksum) & "0"
chkchr = Mid$("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%*", chksum + 1, 1)
End If
'Add Start & Stop characters (must have 'em for valid barcodes)
temp = BC(43) & "0" & temp & BC(43)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If
'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 35 + Len(Bardata) * (5 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata & chkchr;
End If
End Sub
Private Sub makei25()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim temp As String
Dim chksum As Long
Dim BC(11) As String
'2 of the 5 elements are wide: 0=narrow, 1=wide
BC(0) = "00110" '0
BC(1) = "10001" '1
BC(2) = "01001" '2
BC(3) = "11000" '3
BC(4) = "00101" '4
BC(5) = "10100" '5
BC(6) = "01100" '6
BC(7) = "00011" '7
BC(8) = "10010" '8
BC(9) = "01010" '9
BC(10) = "0000" 'Start chr
BC(11) = "100" 'Stop chr
If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text
'make even num of digits by adding a leading 0
If Len(Bardata) Mod 2 And Not Check1(2).Value Then Bardata = "0" & Bardata
If Not (Len(Bardata) Mod 2) And Check1(2).Value Then Bardata = "0" & Bardata
'Check for invalid characters and calculate check sum
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
If Cur < "0" Or Cur > "9" Then
Picture1.Print Cur & " is Invalid"
Exit Sub
End If
'make checksum
If x Mod 2 Then
chksum = chksum + CLng(Cur) * 3
chksum = chksum + CLng(Cur)
End If
'add check chr to bardata (if selected)
If Check1(2).Value Then
chksum = (10 - chksum Mod 10) Mod 10
Bardata = Bardata & Chr$(48 + chksum)
End If
'interleave the code into a temp string - what'd you think the name meant?
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata) Step 2
For y = 1 To 5
temp = temp & Mid$(BC(Val(Mid$(Bardata, x, 1))), y, 1)
temp = temp & Mid$(BC(Val(Mid$(Bardata, x + 1, 1))), y, 1)
'add Start & Stop characters
temp = BC(10) & temp & BC(11)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If
'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 20 + Len(Bardata) * (2 + Check1(0).Value * 1.3) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub
Private Sub make128()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim chksum As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(106) As String
'code 128 is basically the ASCII chr set.
'4 element sizes : 1=narrowest, 4=widest
BC(0) = "212222" '
BC(1) = "222122" '!
BC(2) = "222221" '"
BC(3) = "121223" '#
BC(4) = "121322" '$
BC(5) = "131222" '%
BC(6) = "122213" '&
BC(7) = "122312" ''
BC(8) = "132212" '(
BC(9) = "221213" ')
BC(10) = "221312" '*
BC(11) = "231212" '+
BC(12) = "112232" ',
BC(13) = "122132" '-
BC(14) = "122231" '.
BC(15) = "113222" '/
BC(16) = "123122" '0
BC(17) = "123221" '1
BC(18) = "223211" '2
BC(19) = "221132" '3
BC(20) = "221231" '4
BC(21) = "213212" '5
BC(22) = "223112" '6
BC(23) = "312131" '7
BC(24) = "311222" '8
BC(25) = "321122" '9
BC(26) = "321221" ':
BC(27) = "312212" ';
BC(28) = "322112" '<>
BC(31) = "212321" '?
BC(32) = "232121" '@
BC(33) = "111323" 'A
BC(34) = "131123" 'B
BC(35) = "131321" 'C
BC(36) = "112313" 'D
BC(37) = "132113" 'E
BC(38) = "132311" 'F
BC(39) = "211313" 'G
BC(40) = "231113" 'H
BC(41) = "231311" 'I
BC(42) = "112133" 'J
BC(43) = "112331" 'K
BC(44) = "132131" 'L
BC(45) = "113123" 'M
BC(46) = "113321" 'N
BC(47) = "133121" 'O
BC(48) = "313121" 'P
BC(49) = "211331" 'Q
BC(50) = "231131" 'R
BC(51) = "213113" 'S
BC(52) = "213311" 'T
BC(53) = "213131" 'U
BC(54) = "311123" 'V
BC(55) = "311321" 'W
BC(56) = "331121" 'X
BC(57) = "312113" 'Y
BC(58) = "312311" 'Z
BC(59) = "332111" '[
BC(60) = "314111" '\
BC(61) = "221411" ']
BC(62) = "431111" '^
BC(63) = "111224" '_
BC(64) = "111422" '`
BC(65) = "121124" 'a
BC(66) = "121421" 'b
BC(67) = "141122" 'c
BC(68) = "141221" 'd
BC(69) = "112214" 'e
BC(70) = "112412" 'f
BC(71) = "122114" 'g
BC(72) = "122411" 'h
BC(73) = "142112" 'i
BC(74) = "142211" 'j
BC(75) = "241211" 'k
BC(76) = "221114" 'l
BC(77) = "413111" 'm
BC(78) = "241112" 'n
BC(79) = "134111" 'o
BC(80) = "111242" 'p
BC(81) = "121142" 'q
BC(82) = "121241" 'r
BC(83) = "114212" 's
BC(84) = "124112" 't
BC(85) = "124211" 'u
BC(86) = "411212" 'v
BC(87) = "421112" 'w
BC(88) = "421211" 'x
BC(89) = "212141" 'y
BC(90) = "214121" 'z
BC(91) = "412121" '{
BC(92) = "111143" '|
BC(93) = "111341" '}
BC(94) = "131141" '~
BC(95) = "114113" ' *not used in this sub
BC(96) = "114311" 'FNC 3 *not used in this sub
BC(97) = "411113" 'FNC 2 *not used in this sub
BC(98) = "411311" 'SHIFT *not used in this sub
BC(99) = "113141" 'CODE C *not used in this sub
BC(100) = "114131" 'FNC 4 *not used in this sub
BC(101) = "311141" 'CODE A *not used in this sub
BC(102) = "411131" 'FNC 1 *not used in this sub
BC(103) = "211412" 'START A *not used in this sub
BC(104) = "211214" 'START B
BC(105) = "211232" 'START C *not used in this sub
BC(106) = "2331112" 'STOP
If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text
'Check for invalid characters, calculate check sum & build temp string
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
If Cur < " " Or Cur > "~" Then
Picture1.Print "Invalid Character(s)"
Exit Sub
End If
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 32
temp = temp + BC(CurVal)
chksum = chksum + CurVal * x
'Add start, stop & check characters
chksum = (chksum + 104) Mod 103
temp = BC(104) & temp & BC(chksum) & BC(106)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + (Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To (Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If
'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 30 + Len(Bardata) * (3 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub
Private Sub makeCodabar()
Dim x As Long, y As Long, pos As Long
Dim Bardata As String
Dim Cur As String
Dim CurVal As Long
Dim temp As String
Dim BC(19) As String
'Codabar, also known as NW-7
BC(0) = "0000011" '0
BC(1) = "0000110" '1
BC(2) = "0001001" '2
BC(3) = "1100000" '3
BC(4) = "0010010" '4
BC(5) = "1000010" '5
BC(6) = "0100001" '6
BC(7) = "0100100" '7
BC(8) = "0110000" '8
BC(9) = "1001000" '9
BC(10) = "0001100" '-
BC(11) = "0011000" '$
BC(12) = "1000101" ':
BC(13) = "1010001" '/
BC(14) = "1010100" '.
BC(15) = "0010101" '+
BC(16) = "0011010" 'start/stop A
BC(17) = "0101001" 'start/stop B
BC(18) = "0001011" 'start/stop C
BC(19) = "0001110" 'start/stop D
If Text1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
pos = 20
Bardata = Text1.Text
For x = 1 To Len(Bardata)
Cur = Mid$(Bardata, x, 1)
Select Case Cur
Case "0" To "9"
CurVal = Val(Cur)
Case "a" To "d"
CurVal = Asc(Cur) - 81
Case "-"
CurVal = 10
Case "$"
CurVal = 11
Case ":"
CurVal = 12
Case "/"
CurVal = 13
Case "."
CurVal = 14
Case "+"
CurVal = 15
Case Else 'oops!
Picture1.Print Cur & " is Invalid"
Exit Sub
End Select
temp = temp & BC(CurVal) & "0" '"0"= add intercharactor gap (1 narrow space)
'Add Start & Stop characters (using "A" for both here)
temp = BC(16) & "0" & temp & BC(16)
'Generate Barcode
For x = 1 To Len(temp)
If x Mod 2 = 0 Then
pos = pos + 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1))) + Check1(0).Value
For y = 1 To 1 + (2 * Val(Mid$(temp, x, 1)))
Picture1.Line (pos, 1)-(pos, 58 - Check1(1) * 8)
pos = pos + 1
End If
'Add Label?
If Check1(1).Value Then
Picture1.CurrentX = 30 + Len(Bardata) * (3 + Check1(0).Value * 2) 'kinda center
Picture1.CurrentY = 50
Picture1.Print Bardata;
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Picture1.Width = Form1.Width - 360
End Sub
Private Sub Option1_Click(Index As Integer)
Select Case Index
Case 0
Check1(2).ToolTipText = "Optional"
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = True
Case 1
Check1(2).ToolTipText = "Optional"
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = True
Case 2
Check1(2).ToolTipText = "Not optional"
Check1(2).Value = 1
Check1(2).Enabled = False
Case 3
Check1(2).ToolTipText = "Not used"
Check1(2).Value = 0
Check1(2).Enabled = False
End Select
BCtype = Index
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Clipboard.SetData Picture1.Image
End Sub
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